Make your soils more productive

GypsoilGypsum helps alleviate many common field problems faced by Mid-South growers that raise cotton, soybeans, corn and other crops.

Prevent sulfur deficiency

Mid-South soils - and soils in other areas - are becoming more depleted in sulfur. This is due, in part, because air pollution standards have lowered sulfur emissions and reduced acid rain. Less acid rain falls because many coal-fired utilities have installed modern scrubbers that remove the sulfur from emissions. Crops such as cotton, soybeans, corn and alfalfa will grow best with optimum sulfur. GYPSOIL supplies 13-16% sulfate sulfur.

Expand rooting zone - mitigate aluminum barrier

Intensive farming practices and acid subsoils have left a layer of toxic aluminum salts in many Mid-South soils. The toxic aluminum barrier inhibits root growth and water and nutrient uptake to a shallow zone just below the soil’s surface. This causes stunted, contorted tap roots and suppresses plant yields. Use GYPSOIL to mitigate aluminum toxicity.

Stop surface sealing/crusting

Surface sealing/crustingMid-South soils, especially those with high in silt and clay and low in organic matter, are prone to crusting and sealing at the surface following rainfall events. This is because clay particles in soil are easily dispersible or splattered across the soil surface as rainwater pellets the ground. When the water eventually recedes back into the soil, the clay is filtered onto the surface and forms a hard crust.

Crusted soils restrict many things. It is difficult for seedlings to emerge from in the early spring when soils are crusted over at the surface.  Sealing also traps water just below the surface, like liquid is trapped inside a drinking straw as you hold your thumb over the top. The trapped water won’t evaporate so soils can’t “breath” or move oxygen.  That’s detrimental to germination and growth and can lead to denitrification. GYPSOIL helps improve soils structure so that water and air moves more freely.

Increase water infiltration

Highly productive soils soak up rainwater quickly and move moisture down through the soil profile so it is available when the crop needs it. Unfortunately, many Mid-South soils are slow to absorb water and ineffective in storing moisture. In heavy rains, the water runs off or fields may become ponded. This delays field work. When the fields are dry, the soil becomes hard and concrete-like. Because water doesn’t absorb well into the soil, the crop may suffer in drought conditions because it doesn’t have access to moisture deep in the soil profile.

PondingWhen soil is hard, tight and impermeable heavy rain runs off or water pools on the surface of the field. Wet spots are slow to dry which delays fieldwork and can cause poor root development, nutrient leaching and denitrification. Use GYPSOIL to help soils absorb and retain rainfall.

Prevent erosion and nutrient runoff

ErosionSoil erosion by water - the loss of soil and sediment - is a serious problem that can have significant negative impacts on agricultural productivity, drainage and surface water quality.  Eroded topsoil transfers into streams and other waterways, causing potential surface water quality problems and hydrological damage that can be far-reaching within a watershed.  Topsoil losses also reduce agronomic productivity. Research by Dr. Darrell Norton and others demonstrates the application of gypsum can help reduce soil loss.

Like soil and sediment losses caused by erosion, dispersible soils are prone to nutrient losses through runoff and surface water or tile output.  This can cause nonpoint source pollution in watersheds if not corrected. GYPSOIL helps prevent nutrient runoff.

Prevent compaction

Compacted soils limit root growth, cause drainage problems and impact nutrient availability.  Some soil experts have likened compaction to pushing a load of bricks on the soil’s lungs.  Compaction suffocates the soil’s ability to distribute water, air and nutrients. Compaction is a result of equipment traffic and also an indicator of soil health.   Soil compaction, referred to by soil scientists as soil density, can be determined using a penetrometer or by difficulty or ease in pulling equipment such as a planter or tillage tool.

1 "Soil-Building Tips for Better No-Till Productivity," Special No-Till Management Report No. 32, No-Till Farmer, July 2011, various articles.

Enhance biological activity

Healthy soils should be alive with biological activity, promoting a vibrant habitat for soil organisms to decompose organic compounds such as plant residue, manure and pesticides. The soil organisms fix nitrogen, stabilize nutrients, enhance soil aggregation and porosity and feed on crop pests.  In healthy soils, growers see soil test levels of organic matter climb and faster residue breakdown.  Healthy soils also attract earthworms that break down residue and burrow into the profile to create air and moisture channels that plant roots can utilize.   If soil is compacted and tight, growers may see fewer earthworms. Use GYPSOIL to help create the environment where soil biology thrives.

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