Expand root zone

Intensive farming practices and acid subsoils have left a layer of toxic aluminum salts in many Mid-South soils. The aluminum barrier inhibits root growth by limiting water and nutrient uptake to a shallow zone just below the soil’s surface.  This causes stunted, contorted tap roots and suppresses plant yields. The calcium in GYPSOIL can displace this aluminum to mitigate the barrier, allowing plants to send roots deeper.

University of Arkansas 2009

University of Arkansas studies shows that at a depth of 6-12 inches, the mean concentration of aluminum on ground treated with one or two tons of gypsum per acre was only 20 percent of the aluminum levels in untreated soil.1 At depths of 12-18 inches, aluminum concentration was only about half that in untreated ground. 

Research at the USDA National Sedimentation Laboratory in Oxford, MS, confirmed those results.  “The data showed that within one year of initial application (of gypsum), significant increases were recorded for calcium and sulfur contents at depth which lead to substantial increases in soil stability and decreases in aluminum toxicity.2

1 The Potential Use of Gypsum for Improved Cotton Productivity,” University of Arkansas, Cotton Research 2009.

2 Influence of FGD Gypsum on the Properties of a Highly Erodible Soil Under Conservation Tillage,” National Sedimentation Lab, ARS, USDA, 2011.

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