2012 Symposium

2012 Midwest Soil Improvement Symposium

2012 Midwest Soil Improvement Symposium


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Rulon Enterprises
10701 East 281st
Arcadia, IN 46030

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Improving soil quality and fertility was the focus of a one-day symposium held at one of Indiana's premier family farming operations.

The 2nd annual Midwest Soil Improvement Symposium:  Research and Practical Insights into Using Gypsum was held Tuesday, August 21, 2012, at Rulon Enterprises, Arcadia, IN.  It featured leading experts on the use of gypsum to supplement sulfur and to improve soil tilth and permeability.  In addition, several growers discussed using gypsum in their sophisticated soil management programs.  There were also application equipment set-up and soil pit demonstrations.

RULON ENTERPRISESThe 2012 event was held at Rulon Enterprises, the national winner of the 2012 American Soybean Association Conservation Legacy Award.  This is a 5,800-acre family farming operation where new technology, on-farm research and astute production skills combine to achieve sustainability, conservation and agronomic excellence.

The Midwest Soil Improvement Symposium :Research and Practical Insights into Using Gypsum provides advanced education for Certified Crop Advisers, independent agronomists, educators, conservationists, farm managers and others interested in managing soil quality.  CEU credits are available.

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Click here for latest news release: Symposium shows FGD gypsum offers many soil quality benefits.



Soil Pit Demonstration at Rulon Enterprises led by Dr. Darrell Norton.

Soil pit demonstration at Rulon Enterprises, Arcadia, IN, led by Dr. Darrell Norton.

Nick Rulon spreads gypsum.

Nick Rulon spreads gypsum.

Joe Nester, Nester Ag.

Joe Nester, Nester Ag, discussed his observations in gypsum use at the 2012 Midwest Soil Improvement Symposium.

Dr. Warren Dick, The Ohio State University.

Dr. Warren Dick, Professor, School of Environmental and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, spoke about gypsum's use to improve crop performance.

Dr. Fabian Fernandez, University of Illinois.

Dr. Fabian Fernandez, Assistant Professor, Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois, spoke about sulfur and it's impact on crops in Illinois and surrounding states.


2012 Event Schedule

Registration - 7:00 AM


Welcome - 8:00 AM

Karen Scanlon, CTIC Executive Director

Dave Schuurman, Chairman, GYPSOIL


Using gypsum to improve crop performance.

Dr. Warren A. Dick, Professor

School of Environmental and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University


Is sulfur limiting crops in Illinois and surrounding states?

Dr. Fabian Fernandez, Assistant Professor

Department of Crop Science, University of Illinois


The effect of gypsum on soil physical properties.

Dr. Jerry Bigham, Professor (Emeritus)

School of Environmental and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University


Current research activities for agricultural uses of gypsum.

Dr. H. Allen Torbert, Research Leader

National Soil Dynamics Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Auburn, AL


Morning break


Risk assessment for beneficial use of high quality FGD-gypsum.

Dr. Rufus L. Chaney, Research Agronomist

Environmental Management and Byproduct Utilization Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD


Consultant panel - observations in advising growers in using gypsum.

Joe Nester, Nester Ag, Bryan, OH

Daryl Starr, Advanced Ag Solutions, Lafayette, IN

Tom Weaver, Kow Consulting, Darlington, WI


Lunch (onsite) - 12:15 PM


Gypsum's effect on soil and water quality.

Dr. L. Darrell Norton, Soil Scientist (Retired)

National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, USDA-ARS, West Lafayette, IN


Earthworms and soil quality.

Dr. Martin Shipitalo, Soil Scientist

National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment, USDA-ARS, Ames, IA


Afternoon break


FGD Gypsum: how it's made and how to apply it.

Ron Chamberlain, Agronomist and Director of Gypsum Products

GYPSOIL® Division of Beneficial Reuse Management


Gypsum user panel - grower experience using gypsum as a soil amendment.

Jack Maloney, Brownsburg, IN

Rodney Rulon, Arcadia, IN

Cameron Mills, Walton, IN


Parting thoughts, questions 


Spreader/soil pit demonstrations (optional) - 4:30 PM

Simultaneous demonstrations with two groups to switch after 30 minutes.

Spreader demonstration will be led by Ron Chamberlain, Jeff Hendershot and Nick Rulon.

Soil pit demonstration will be led by Rodney Rulon and Drs. Martin Shipitalo, L. Darrell Norton, H. Allen Torbert.


Click here for 2011 symposium highlights

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