
Greg Kneubuhler, G & K Concepts, Harlan, IN “If you implement anything on your farm from cover crops, to gypsum or no-till, or (other) conservation efforts, there is a cost to implement them and if that’s not something you’ve been doing on your farm, any learning curve comes at a cost. The beauty of a program like RCPP is it gives you the ability to try things and not absorb the full cost yourself. You have assistance to be able to figure out how to implement that system on your farm and that’s a great opportunity to incorporate those in your operation without having the full cost to your bottom line because right now we are in an economic environment; you have to know every expense you’re making is going to make you a return or make you money." Video

Greg Knuebuhler, IN

Nick Hosted, Albion, IN “I’d heard about gypsum before, I’d read about it online and even had some neighbors that applied it. I was always curious about it and when I saw that it was available for us to try with the grant I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to see if it would work on our ground that we are farming here. So I applied for it and got some of it funded and applied it last fall. We are hoping to break up some of clay soils and improve the yield there because it has struggled in the past from being too wet.”

Nick Hosted, IN

Beneficial Reuse Management LLC “Last fall we put gypsum on a lot of our ground we farm to try to get water to go down so it doesn’t pond as much and there’s not as much chance for runoff. The NRCS programs are very helpful because they help us save money and try new practices to help protect the land and water.”

Don Johnson, IN

Cody Sassmann, MO

National Sorghum Producers’ 2014 Yield Contest Winner says, “The sulfur in GYPSOIL is the cheapest source I can get.”  Cody Sassmann, MO. Read more.

Cody Sassmann, MO

Rodney Rulon, IN

“Gypsum makes sense and it is a good value for what you get.  We started applying gypsum to individual problem fields that have tighter soils – we’ve got clay loam and silty clay loam kind of mix with tight subsoils.  We have certainly seen improved water infiltration in those areas and improved rooting.

In 2012, we started using gyspum across most of our acres with higher rates using variable rate technology in places where there are specific problems such as high magnesium or poor drainage.”

Rodney Rulon, IN

Jack Maloney, IN “Our soils, which are silt loam to silty clay loam, were very, very hard.  We applied GYPSOIL twice over four years, and the soil was much more permeable.  The water didn’t stand in it, it went through the profile better and our crops looked great.  In one extremely dry year, our neighbor’s corn browned-out early in the lower leaves but our corn never lots its lush green color until it matured.” 

Jack Maloney, IN

Scott Stoffel, WI

"I put GYPSOIL on a 4th-year alfalfa field and we saw big results.  It is just incredible how much greener the hay was and how much more tonnage we got per acre after just one application.  I think it is a wonderful product.  A farmer can use it and see the difference in his field.” 

Scott Stoffel, WI

Anthony Hession, IN “Our soil tilth is improving – we have performed various types of reduced tillage for 25 years and the soil tilth has never been better.  Since using GYPSOIL we are definitely seeing more earthworms working in the soil, helping create better tilth by creating more air and moisture channels.”

Anthony Hession, IN

Beneficial Reuse Management LLC

"After the first year of using GYPSOIL we saw better water infiltration where we applied it and the sulfur was an added bonus. Every acre we plant will receive gypsum."  

Joe and Mike Stevermer, MN

Beneficial Reuse Management LLC

"I've used gypsum for 10-12 years and it vastly improves soil structure. At first I only spot-treated low-lying areas but now I spread it everywhere. Beside the soil structure benefits, GYPSOIL is a good source of sulfur and calcium.

Charlie Carlson, MN

Beneficial Reuse Management LLC

"We put GYPSOIL on for first time in early spring 2014 to loosen soil on a 160-acre field that’s high in magnesium. We also put it on a 10-acre test strip in another field. You can see right to the line where we put the GYPSOIL on – the corn is taller and more robust.  The sulfur in GYPSOIL is a good boost to corn."                                        


Doug Armstrong, KS

Beneficial Reuse Management LLC


“As a commercial hay producer, I applied GYPSOIL in the fall of 2013 to make my tight clay soil softer and more permeable to water, and to apply both calcium and sulfur with one single product. The following spring my best first cutting was on my newest stands. I think GYPSOIL contributed to that.“  -

Jim Kessler, KS



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