Application Tips

Beneficial Reuse Management LLCGYPSOIL is easy to apply.  Learn more about application tips, equipment selection and set up and application rates.

GypsoilGYPSOIL is best applied with a fertilizer or litter spreader, ideally equipped with a stainless steel box with steep sides (45°angles) and a wide belt. In absence of a stainless steel box, graphite film coating or plastic liners can be used to assure the gypsum slides easily onto the belt.  It is recommended that non-essential interior gates, partitions and braces be removed.  Twin spinners are important to ensure a wide, uniform spread pattern.

Because particle size is so small, gypsum can bridge if equipment isn’t set properly.  Raise the rear gate no more than 3-5 inches.  Adjust spinners for best pattern.  Calibrate spreader by loading spreader 1/3 full before first spreading.  Check rate, flow and pattern and adjust belts and spinners as needed.  Increase load size as you are comfortable with pattern.


When loading gypsum, feather on bed rather than dumping it all in center.  Try to avoid piling against rear gate.


GypsoilIdeally, gypsum should be stored under cover to avoid it from becoming saturated with moisture if rainfall occurs before application.  However, it can also be stored in the open on a turn-row or open lot. 

If storing in the open, place it on a bare, scraped ground at least 200 feet from a stream or drainage ditch.  It is a good idea to form pile into a peak so rain runs off easily.   As will all farming materials, keep away from livestock, pets and children.

When to apply

Apply GYPSOIL anytime it is appropriate to be in the field, without damaging the field or crop with the application equipment.

  • After alfalfa cutting once hay is baled
  • After wheat harvest
  • After soybean or corn harvest
  • Before planting


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